Curing Seasonal Affective Disorder Naturally

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Above all of these measures, please consider the implications of being chronically dehydrated. Are you guilty of not providing your body with enough pure water consumption? Would you rather drink anything else but water? When you are not providing yourself with enough of your body's preferred beverage, it is going to rob you of real energy.

Dr. Batmanghelidj M.D.'s self-help medical manual titled, "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" has this to say about stress and depression. "Pathology that is seen to be associated with "stresses" -- fear, anxiety, insecurity, persistent emotional and matrimonial problems-- and the establishment of depression are the results of water deficiency to the point that the water requirement of the brain tissue is affected. The brain uses electrical energy that is generated by the water drive of the energy generating pumps. With dehydration, the level of energy generation in the brain is decreased."

You can look at increasing your water intakes as energizing in itself. Simple water is the perfect fluid solvent to transport all of your nutritional supplements with, in receiving their potential, and maximum, benefits to the fullest. After all, was that not the reason why you invested your time, knowledge, and money to begin with?

May this helpful information support you well until the warmth of spring and summer arrives in your neighborhood. At which time, get out there and expose your skin and eyes to that wonderfully healthy bright, white sunlight for vitality, all season long!

About the Author: Brenda Skidmore has spent the last five years actively researching natural health care alternatives. It is her sincere desire to empower others by sharing this important information. To improve your health today visit mywater4life.com

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Seasonal Affective Disorder: Understand The Cause And Cure The Symptoms Naturally