How to Bounce Back from a Binge

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If you keep a food diary, jot down a few notes about how you felt before, during and after the binge. It could be helpful to look back on this the next time you feel those cravings. Then make your next meal balanced and healthy, and continue with your program. Try not to set yourself up for self-sabotage by vowing never to binge again. Just tell yourself that the next time the urge comes up, you'll try hard to stop it.

How To Avoid A Binge

You can stop a binge in its tracks by distracting yourself: brush your teeth, chew gum, take a walk, get lost in an activity. But understanding the physical states and emotions that precede a binge can be a more effective long-term strategy. The next time you feel like devouring your refrigerator, say the word "stop" out loud. Then think about how you're feeling: are you really hungry, or do you really need another type of "food?" For instance:

1. Are you thirsty? Sometimes, you feel hungry when you could be dehydrated. Try drinking a couple of glasses of water. Wait about 15 minutes, and see if the feeling goes away.

2. Are you tired? Many dieters binge when they're tired. If you can, take a short nap. And make sure you're getting enough sleep at night. If your eating plan leaves you too hungry to sleep well, have a light snack like fruit or cereal before bed.