How to Have a Happy and Productive Life

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By Fatimah Musa

Know exactly what it is that you want.

Decide what happiness means to you. Search for what you want out of life and what you enjoy doing and having. Whatever you are seeking, you will find it within. Information from books, other people's opinions and ideas are stimulus to trigger your thought process. The answers are inside you.

Have full control of your future.

You can become and have anything that you desire because you are in control. To be or not to be is up to you. You can choose to act instead of reacting. You remain dogged by the same situation repeatedly because you have not chosen to have control of your own mind and attitude. Once you decide to take charge, you will end your pain and misery.

Hang around with happy and productive people.

Disassociate and walk away from people and situations that cause unhappiness. Hang around with people you trust and are in harmony with your needs and desires.

Enjoy work that is fun and challenging.

Nothing is more stressful than doing work that you don't enjoy. Find work that gives you pleasures and makes you feel excited. It is the kind of work where you can put you heart into it and will perform your best.

Enjoy your own company.

Learn to enjoy your own company. Lavish yourself with reading, learning or indulge yourself with any activity that makes you happy. Expect the best from yourself and you activities. Explore and discover the real you and persuade yourself to like whoever you are. The most important person and the only person you talk and listen to on an ongoing basis is the one inside your own mind.