How to Have a Happy and Productive Life

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Build better relationships.

Treat others well and with respect, appreciate them and you will get the same treatment. Invest time, energy, spirit and your heart into your relationships. Commit to promote each other's welfare and happiness. Avoid misunderstandings and frustrations by communicating effectively. Share your concerns and understanding each other's values and rules.

Create new things.

Do something different to create new interests. Working on new things personally and professionally motivates and increases your chances for personal growth and satisfaction. You will build better life skills, create new opportunities and meet new and interesting people.

Each activity and progress will lead to more growth each day and will have a cumulative effect on your future.

Keep your attention on your goal.

Guard your mind from negative and disempowering thoughts. Focus and concentrate on what you want even when you are confronted with difficulties and challenges. The more problems you solve, the happier you will feel and you will create more energy.

Heal your soul.

If you have made mistakes, forgive yourself, get up and get going. If someone has done you wrong, don't let it blind you. Rise above it, don't get intimidated and let it poison your future. Move forward to chase your dreams and purpose in life. Life is too short to pay long visits to old hurts and the unfairness of life.