10 Reasons to Lose 10% of Your Body Weight

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Whether you need to lose 20 pounds or 100, hopping on that scale and discovering that you've lost 10 percent of your total goal can have powerful benefits, both mentally and physically. Here are 10 reasons why:

1. Ten percent is an achievable first goal. Instead of fretting about all the weight you want to lose, which can make your task seem insurmountable, try focusing on a small chunk at first. According to many life coaches, setting short-term goals can keep you more engaged in the process and more likely to continue the journey. When you reach that first 10 percent, aim for the next 10.

2. Knocking off that first 10 percent can lower your risk for developing diabetes. If you already have type 2 diabetes, then losing weight can help reduce your symptoms and possibly your daily blood-sugar numbers. And eating a diet rich in whole grains and legumes like lentils can help steady blood sugar levels. Even if you don't have diabetes, keeping your blood sugar on a more even keel can help prevent cravings.

3. You'll feel more empowered. Noting that first 10 percent in your weight-loss journal (along with what you eat each day) could give you the confidence that you need lose weight and make your final goal.