10 Reasons to Lose 10% of Your Body Weight

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8. An immune system out of whack because of excess inflammation can increase your odds of developing colon and breast cancer. Ten percent off can make you feel good about improving your health and possibly lengthening your lifespan.

9. Feeling pretty good about yourself because you kicked that first 10 percent? Imagine how much better you'll feel about yourself in the bedroom.

10. Excess weight -- especially around the abdomen -- can cause greater stress on your internal organs. Ten percent off can improve digestion and help nutrients from the healthy diet you're eating circulate to all the cells that need them. And can help metabolize fat from your body.

Need more reasons? How about that 10 percent off sale at the mall? Surely you'll find something flattering in your new, smaller size. This will help you visualize the "new you" and give you more incentive to lose the next 10 percent.