All Vitamin Supplements Are Not Created Equal

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When looking at the minerals section of the label, look for "chelate" or "chelated." This indicates that the minerals are attached to protein prior to being added to the supplement. This increases absorption by 400 percent to 800 percent.

Look for a supplement with a "food base." This is concentrated plant material to which the vitamins and minerals are added. Supplements with a food base will contain enzymes and nutrients that boost the absorption of the vitamins and minerals. This is probably the best type of vitamin you can buy, but the tablets will be larger and you may have to take more of them.

Nutritional supplements can never take the place of food and should not be used as a crutch to supplement a poor diet. The best recipe for health is to eat a nutritious and healthy diet that can be supplemented when necessary.

Author Bio
Lee Dobbins writes for the A2Z Vitamin And Herbs Guide For Natural Healing where you can find out more about vitamins and herbs as well as natural healing methods.

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