Causes and Risk Factors for Diabetes

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Surveys show that in India, diabetes is more prevalent among males than females. In this population, family history of diabetes mellitus was present in 5.5 to 11.6 percent. Amongst diabetics, 18.3 percent urban and 6.4 percent of rural population had a direct relative with diabetes. Therefore, genetic predisposition in India is comparable to that observed in other parts of the world.

Diet: A Self-Inflicted Cause
Diabetes has been described by most medical scientists as a "prosperity" disease, primarily caused by systematic overeating. Not only is eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates harmful, but proteins and fats, which are transformed into sugar, may also result in diabetes if taken in excess.
Too much food taxes the pancreas, and ultimately, its normal activity of producing insulin gets paralyzed. It is interesting to note that diabetes is almost unknown in countries where people are poor and cannot afford to overeat.

The incidence of diabetes is directly linked with the consumption of processed foods rich in refined carbohydrates, like biscuits, bread, cakes, chocolates, pudding and ice creams. In Britain, during World War II when only whole-wheat bread was available, the incidence of diabetes dropped by 55 percent.

Parents should take great care to develop correct dietary habits in their children. Children should be prevented from becoming addicts to harmful foods like ice cream, cakes, chocolates and other sweets. The amount of food given to children should be such as would allow growth but not obesity. Children should be convinced about the importance of exercise and games and sports should be encouraged. Ideal body weight and a proportionate body is an almost certain guarantee against diabetes.