Constipation: Causes and Treatments

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Keep in mind that anxiety and lack of exercise aggravate constipation, especially during pregnancy. Pregnant women should be getting enough exercise, finding ways to relax, remaining stress-free, drinking more than enough water, and eating a fiber-rich diet.

When to See the Doctor

There are times when constipation doesn't call for concern, and then there are times when you should see the doctor as soon as possible. Schedule an appointment if your constipation lasts more than two weeks; you find blood in your stool; you feel severe pain during evacuation; or you start losing weight for no apparent reason.

Select procedures will help the doctor diagnose the problem. You might have your blood tested for hormonal imbalance, or barium studies could be performed (i.e., radiography of your digestive tract using barium sulfate). On the other hand, you may need to receive an invasive colonoscopy, so make sure you're prepared for anything.

Preventing Constipation