Fad Diets that Make You Fat

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Tips for Real Weight-Loss Success

No matter how many fad diets or diet plans you've tried -- and failed -- you can still start over and get yourself on a healthy track to lose weight in a healthy way. After you get out of the diet roller coaster habit, you can lose weight easily and with ongoing success by following these simple tips:

  • Drink more water. Being dehydrated can trick you into thinking you're hungry, so drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water per day to curb that appetite.
  • Exercise portion control. Find out what a real portion size is for each of your meals and measure your food whenever possible. This will help you get into the habit of eating only what your body truly needs.
  • Avoid emotional eating. Don't turn to food for comfort or when you're stressed out. Many people fail at diet plans because they haven't overcome this important obstacle.
  • Add exercise to your routine. Stick with an exercise program that you enjoy four or five times per week; this can give your metabolism a boost and keep you on a healthy track.
  • Shop smart. Don't go to the grocery store when you're hungry, and make a list of healthy foods to pick up before you go. Make a commitment to buy only the items on your list so you don't have a chance to stock up on unhealthy food.