What Are the Symptoms of Food Intolerance?

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Learn how to read food labels and understand code words that mean the same thing as the food that causes you gas, pain and bloating. Ingredient lists aren't always written clearly enough to make it obvious that the item contains the food to which you are sensitive or intolerant. It is up to you to be your own advocate and know what is in everything you eat. Only then can you avoid the foods that make you sick so you can prevent the symptoms of food intolerance. 

The elimination diet is a good method for identifying and treating the symptoms of food intolerance. Removing certain foods from your diet for a period of a couple of weeks and then slowly adding them back in while tracking your reaction to them is a good way to find out what foods cause digestive problems. Those you can eat without feeling sick can be added back in, while you avoid problematic foods to keep from experiencing symptoms after eating. You may start by removing: 

  • gluten;
  • wheat;
  • dairy;
  • soy;
  • eggs; and
  • coffee.