Why Am I Tired?

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  1. Skipping Breakfast - Whether it's because you are too busy or think it will help you lose weight, skipping breakfast for any reason can cause your energy levels to plummet. Your body needs fuel first thing in the morning to keep your metabolism and blood sugar in check. Try to include a breakfast with protein and carbohydrates and snack on healthy foods throughout the day to keep you sustained.
  1. Too Much Caffeine - Yes, it's true that caffeine can improve alertness and concentration, but too much can cause a severe "crash" side-effect once the caffeine leaves the system. Limit yourself to one caffeinated drink a day and do not rely on these drinks to get you through the day. If you are used to consuming high levels of caffeine, wean yourself down slowly. Quitting cold turkey can cause withdrawal, which will only worsen your feelings of fatigue.
  1. Diabetes - If you have frequent, unexplained tiredness, despite eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep, you may have diabetes. Diabetes causes abnormally high levels of sugar in the bloodstream, and instead of fueling cells it remains there, causing sufferers to feel tired and achy. Some cases of diabetes can be treated with changes to diet and exercise, while others may require medication.