Five Proven Ways to Buy the Best Seafood Around

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2. When you buy frozen seafood of any kind, first look at the expiration date. The seafood should be frozen solid and there should be no discoloration. If there is an odor it should be fresh and mild. Look at the packaging, it should fit tight around the seafood, the wrapping should be moist and vapor proof. Also, look for any damages to the packaging, tears in the plastic, un-wrapped edges, water stains, or ice crystals. Water stains and ice crystals are a sign that the seafood has thawed and been re-frozen.

3. When buying fresh fish filets and fish steaks the flesh should be moist, firm, elastic, and have the fresh cut look. Look for edges turning dry or dark, this would be a clear sign on a not for fresh filet. The odor should also be fresh and mild. Always look at the packaging, it should not be tight around the fish filets or fish steaks and there should be no liquid in the wrapping or container.

4. Fresh whole fish should have a bright, shiny appearance. The scales should be intact and adhere tightly to the skin. Pay attention to the markings and colors of the fish. These fade and become less pronounced as the fish loses its freshness. The eyes are another indicator to freshness; they should be bright, clear and full and in some types of fish even protruding. The gills should also be bright red. Over time the gills turn from bright red to pink, to grey and then to a green or brown color. There should be only a faint fish odor. That strong fishy smell happens over time. The stronger the odor, the less fresh the fish.