Kitchen Shortcuts to Make Mealtimes Easier

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Plain pasta: Make twice as much. The next day, pull the pasta out of the refrigerator and grab a different sauce from your freezer for a whole new dish. Cooked noodles reheat amazingly well in seconds in the microwave.

Pizza: With store-bought dough, pizza night can be quick and easy, and who doesn't love cold pizza the next day? It's a good bagged lunch item too.

Chicken and Turkey: Last night's hot meal turns into delicious cold-cut sandwiches or salad for dinner the next evening, and it doesn't seem like the same meal.


A simple can of tuna can become a healthful sandwich or tuna salad, and it's a good, fast way to get Omega-3's. Also try canned chicken or salmon. And any leftovers can easily be turned into tasty dips, with pita bread or tortilla chips, for a fast, healthy snack.

Lettuce is the perfect base. Add cut up lunch meat, cheese and croutons for a quick Cobb Salad, or wrap it around those deli meats and cheese for a delicious high-protein, low-carb sandwich.


Prep lunch bags (or have the kids do it!) for a week or two at a time with a granola bar, crackers, a fruit cup, etc. Add a napkin and spoon. On any given morning, grab a bag, add a cold drink and a sandwich or a leftover, and you're good to go.

Pre-packed single-lunch meals can be expensive. Instead, divvy up lunch meats and cheese slices into small baggies. In the morning, drop one of each into your pre-packed lunch bags, and go!