Daily Reading
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Extend the day by getting up earlier than usual, Aquarius. Even though it may be hard to leave the comfort of your bed, the rewards will be many. The celestial energy beckons you to get up and join the activities of the day. You'll be much more productive and accomplish a lot by the end of the day.

Important planetary aspects of the day:
Moon quintiles Mercury; Moon quintiles Pluto; Mars sextiles Saturn;... Read More
Recommended attitudes/ strategies for the day:
Much reprogramming is likely to be happening at the subconscious... Read More
Activities that are highly favoured:
Devising strategies to outwit rivals; learning advanced martial-arts... Read More
Activities that are preferably avoided:
Surgery on the excretory organs; lending/ borrowing money; long... Read More
General numerological guidance for the day:
3 and 9 borns will enjoy better luck than others; 6 borns must... Read More