Daily Reading
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Are you deeply satisfied with your love life? Several of the aspects will push you to take stock and develop some solutions if needed. A big issue could be your possessiveness. Try an experiment. Give your partner more freedom. It may seem risky to you, but it isn't. Loosen the reins a bit.

Important planetary aspects of the day:
Moon quintiles Sun; Moon squares Mercury; Moon squares Uranus;... Read More
Recommended attitudes/ strategies for the day:
This is the right time to stop in your tracks, check whether... Read More
Activities that are highly favoured:
Devising strategies to outwit rivals; learning advanced martial... Read More
Activities that are preferably avoided:
Surgery on the knees; lending/ borrowing money; long journeys.... Read More
General numerological guidance for the day:
6 and 9 borns will enjoy better luck than others; 3 borns must... Read More