Is Astrology a True Science?

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There are vibratory pictures of distant or future events that are now passing through the ether. The vibratory thought patterns of an event that is to occur in the upcoming future is there in the ether now according to the laws and action of cause and effect. You can develop the power of protecting your family from future accidents which are waiting for you according to cosmic laws as the solar system moves, we are moving in to space time continuum where everything is waiting for you as the solar system moves into the news of tomorrow, next week, next month and next year.

Everything is already written about your ego, but you are not the ego, you are not made in the image of the stars. Therefore in the degree you change your status as a spiritual being you can change the future; that is, you can change what is going to happen to you. When the future is there waiting for you, you won't be there.

How can you start right now protecting yourself from future accidents? Here is the key. When you get into your car say these words, "my Lord I have not forgotten you." Just one word of God may save your life, remember that. Just by saying these words you may be saved from a fatal car accident waiting to happen to you.

As long as you question whether or not you will win or lose your battles in life, you will keep on losing. Don't stand still and don't go backward. Most people are engaged in a tug of war or are stationary. Your will power will determine what you are going to do, not your karma, not your horoscope, not your bad habits. Part II continues.

Click here to read Part 2.