Understanding Your Personal Year

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3 Personal Year
Expansion, Successes, Blossoming

In a 3 year, you'll begin to see the fruits of your labor. The 3 year is a social year full of excitement and creativity. You may find yourself involved in a whirl of activities, social, business and romantic. Your enthusiasm is contagious this year, and others will be drawn to you by it. Successes seem to fall into your lap in every area of your life, and opportunities to expand your circles will abound. The biggest issue you may face in a 3 personal year is an overabundance of opportunities. Keeping your focus may be difficult when there is so much to choose from.

The 3 personal year many times can result in a person feeling as though they are having to deal with everyone else's problems, yet are feeling as though they have little time to focus on their own. It's important that the focus go toward the self first, and then if energy and time is left over to bring the attention to others.

4 Personal Year
Foundation, Maintenance, Responsibility

4 is the number of the Square, the four-sided figure that provides a strong foundation for building. A 4 year may seem dull and restrictive, but it's the time when you are cementing your foundations and solidifying everything you've accomplished in the past three years. This is the year that you will become aware of the responsibilities and work required to maintain the momentum needed to build your dreams. A 4 year is an ideal year to take a close look at your finances and physical needs and do what you have to ensure that your needs are met.