Daily Reading
Thursday, September 5, 2024

A welcome communication from a business or romantic partner could arrive today, Capricorn. This could generate a lot of enthusiasm on both your parts and do wonders for your relationship or for whatever business you do together. Be honest with your partner. Don't conceal your concerns. It's better to get things out in the open. Don't worry. Everything will be OK!

Important planetary aspects of the day:
Mercury sextiles Mars; Moon sextiles Jupiter; Sun conjuncts Dragon?s... Read More
Recommended attitudes/ strategies for the day:
Morning of this day is a good time to reappraise your business... Read More
Activities that are highly favoured:
Intake of new medicines; learning new subjects; first feeding... Read More
Activities that are preferably avoided:
Surgery on the shoulders; long journeys towards East and Southwest.... Read More
General numerological guidance for the day:
6 and 9 borns will enjoy better luck than others; 3 borns must... Read More