Daily Outlook powered by Astrocenter.com
Friday, July 12, 2024
Today can be a highly productive day! A wonderful energy between the moon in stimulating Scorpio and Uranus is perfect for those who need a big lift in their spirits. Even with some heavier aspects, this transit alone can brighten any day with joy and light.

It's a perfect day to listen to your favorite music or dive into those art projects and self-care activities that you put on hold. There are strong psychic energies floating through the cosmos, and you might even channel some messages from the spirit world. Be open to any tingling feelings you get, because they might just be your guides letting you know that you're on to something new.

An opposition between Uranus and the moon needs to be approached through the eyes of love. It can mean you still have certain struggles to work through, but your creative outlets are your ultimate salvation, a sentiment heightened by a minor connection between Venus and the North Node of Destiny, as well as a minor aspect between Jupiter and Uranus.
Important planetary aspects of the day:
Moon opposes Neptune; Moon sesquiquadrates Saturn; Moon quincunxes... Read More
Recommended attitudes/ strategies for the day:
Follow established conventions and time-tested techniques to... Read More
Activities that are highly favoured:
Learning new subjects; audit/ appraisal activities; filing law-suits/... Read More
Activities that are preferably avoided:
Surgery on the hips; long journeys towards North and Northwest.... Read More
General numerological guidance for the day:
This is a win-win day that favours all hard-working and motivated... Read More