Are You Settling for Less?

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"He's a good provider" or "She's always going to be faithful" may be their ways of articulating that dissatisfaction. Perhaps those statements are true, but there's more to a relationship than that. You may be getting less than you deserve in your relationship if you see these signs. You're not inspired to be the best person you could be – putting goals and dreams on the back burner for the sake of the relationship. A supportive mate is integral, so if he or she isn't supportive and encouraging, you may be settling. Are you making changes to yourself – modifying those dreams and goals, for example, to appease your mate? Do you make sacrifices outside of normal relationship demands, overlooking or compromising your own needs to keep the peace? Finally, it goes without saying that physical and emotional abuse are unacceptable, no matter what. It's another form of putting your partner's needs in front of your own if you have to hide how he or she treats you from friends and loved ones.