Bad Sex Advice You Shouldn't Follow

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Sex on the beach – sounds romantic, no? No. Think about the critters that inhabit that sandy beach, not to mention how uncomfortable that sand can get when it gets stuck in crevices that normally don't see the light of day. In fact, anywhere public poses the risk of getting caught in the act by other people – including law enforcement. Getting ticketed can kill the mood quickly, as can bug spray, which the illustrious Men's Health advises you to use liberally – except on your naughty parts. Ew. Finally, when it comes to "handling" the job, there's some super-crazy advice out there that could kill his libido quickly. From touching him "like you're opening a jar" to juggling his jewels "like dice in a cup," the magazines don't exactly advise a gentle approach to turning him on. If the two of you want to break out of a bedroom rut or if you're a newbie to romance, there are much better ways to get information about getting romantic.