How to Be a Good Friend

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Of all the relationship strategies to master out there, for some reason, friendship seems to be a tough one. Getting to be good friends with your girls was likely a long process, full of drama. But making lifelong, good friends doesn't have to be a trial by fire. Like you might do in a romantic relationship, there are a few ways to sustain and enrich your friendship from the get-go. First of all, check compatibility. You'll do this by comparing your interests, energy, passions and motivations. Obviously an introverted person who likes quiet activities and a social butterfly who likes to go out drinking and dancing aren't necessarily going to spend a lot of time together. That high-energy dancer and low-energy bookworm are not the best pair. Once you decide you can be buddies, it's not a bad idea to set some argument ground rules. Fighting fairly in a romantic relationship is important, and the same is true for friendship.