The Male Birth Control Pill: Is it Close?

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It sounds like a dream come true, but oral contraceptives – aka The Pill – may be crossing over into male territory. That's right, ladies. In the near future, your man may be the one responsible for remembering to swallow that tiny pill every day. Obviously given the time it takes for testing and approval by the FDA, a male birth control pill is a good 10 years away, but researchers think they're on the right track to developing one that's safe and effective. The challenge has been to stop the millions of sperm released when a man ejaculates, versus stopping usually only one egg released monthly by a woman. Instead of stopping them, however, researchers at Australia's Monash University are attempting to suppress the muscle that releases sperm. Sperm is stored in the epididymis and travels through the vas deferens to leave the body via the urethra.