How to Come Out When You're Gay

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With greater acceptance of the LGBT community, young adults and even teenagers are coming out earlier and earlier to their friends, families and even in the workplace. So if you know that you're gay and are ready to share the news, then there are a few ways to do it. First of all, weed out the haters. It's a sad fact of life that there are people who will not accept you for who you are. Unfortunately, those people can include those closest to you - i.e., your family. If you feel that you'd be ostracized or cut off financially and simply cannot afford it, then perhaps coming out to those people should be delayed until you're more independent. Finding someone you trust and who cares about you is a great place to start. This person should be someone who knows you well and accepts you for who you are already. And if he or she knows you well enough, they might expect you to come out, which makes things easy. Do not ambush your trusted person, however, and don't approach coming out in a confrontational, love-it-or-leave-it way.