How to Date a Divorcee

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With half of marriages ending in divorce and more, younger divorcees getting back out into the dating pool, it's likely that you might end up in a relationship with someone who's already been married. While that can be a turnoff for some, who may feel like they're getting "used goods" or may be judgmental of someone who had been through a divorce, there are quite a few benefits in dating a divorcee. First, a person who's had the experience of marriage will probably be less inclined to do it again - people who enjoy committed relationships without the extra step of marriage may appreciate this approach. There's no rush for a divorcee to find someone new to marry immediately, usually, so a divorcee may take his or her time. However, a divorcee is less likely to waste time in a dead-end relationship. When things aren't working in a relationship, a divorcee likely will end a relationship before it gets messy. Sharing a home and a life with someone else is valuable relationship experience that divorcees take away. Habits that drove his or her ex crazy are not likely to be repeated in order to avoid the friction caused in the previous relationship.