How to Date a Divorcee

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Some causes for concern when entering a relationship with a divorcee, however, include the potential of being a rebound relationship or getting too serious, too fast in some cases. New partners might be used to make the former spouse jealous or to fill the void left in the divorcee's life. Pay attention to how your divorcee date talks about his or her ex - a lot of negative, vitriolic talk without much to base it on is a major red flag. It's one thing if your date clearly was wronged, whether he or she was cheated on, lied to or abused - but it's entirely another if he or she is badmouthing the ex simply to feel better about things. Being ready to be locked down in a serious relationship may require more commitment than a divorcee is ready for. So take it slow, pay attention to your partner's previous relationships and how he or she feels about them, and consider whether a divorcee is right for you.