The Best Time of Day to Have Sex 

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Do you prefer the wake and quake? A nooner, perhaps? Afternoon delight? Whatever you call your favorite time of day to have sex, the honest truth is that there's really no bad time to get it on. It just depends on how you feel and your objective - as in, are you trying to make a baby? There's a time and a place to optimize your chances of conceiving, and the time is midafternoon, say between 2 and 4 p.m. A woman's reproductive system is functioning well at this time, and men produce good-quality sperm at this time. But when it comes to the enjoyment of sex, the sexes couldn't be different. Of course, many people - both men and women - can be ready to go 24/7, but your libido may follow the clock. For men, it's obvious that they're ready first thing in the morning - just lift up that blanket to check, but for women, melatonin is at its highest, body temperature is at its lowest, and this may not be the best time.