The Best Time of Day to Have Sex 

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By 8ish, however, women's endorphin levels spike, and they're ready to enjoy sex. Testosterone in men is back to a normal level, so sex drive may not be as high at this time. Lunchtime and early afternoon may present the opportunity for a sexy break from work, but it's also a busy time of day for getting busy, which may put sex on the back burner. Then 2:00 rolls around, and it's go time for the babymakers. When early evening rolls around, it's time to get dinner on the table, kids shuttled to and from extracurriculars, and finally in bed - again, a busy time for sexytime. In the hours before bedtime, many men and women will agree that it's the perfect time - not too early and not too late. After about 10:00 p.m., drowsiness may set in, making the idea of sex unattractive after a busy, tiring day. This schedule represents a typical work day, so on weekends and holidays, all bets are off! Whatever time is most convenient for you and your partner to share some intimacy is the best time for you.