What You Should Know About STDs

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Signs and symptoms: there are 2 stages of syphilis. The first is a visible sore at the site of the infection, so most likely in the genital or anal regions. The second stage occurs after the sore heals and is marked by a rash and, often, flu-like symptoms.

Treatment: eventually, the symptoms of syphilis will fade; however, that does not mean the infection is gone. If left untreated, syphilis can cause serious health problems and sometimes even be fatal. It is important to get syphilis treated with a regimen of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

Hepatitis B

About it: hepatitis B is a serious disease that affects the liver. It can be passed through bodily fluids, such as blood, semen or vaginal secretions, needle sharing, or in the case of an infant, through childbirth.

Signs and symptoms: there are many painful symptoms of Hepatitis B, including vomiting and nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, fever, tiredness, diarrhea, yellowing eyes or skin, or dark-colored urine.

Treatment: acute Hepatitis B may go away on its own; however, chronic Hepatitis B is incurable. Typical treatment includes antiviral medications, and in serious cases, liver transplants.