How to Create a Romantic Valentine's Day Bedroom Using Your 5 Senses

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Now who doesn't love a little music to create a romantic ambiance in your bedroom? It doesn't matter who your favorite recording artist is, have background music playing in your bedroom at a soft low volume. Remember, you don't want to have to yell over the music to have a conversation with your partner. If you are not a music lover, try having the sound of ocean waves breaking on the shore - or anything that relaxes you and gets you in the mood.


Have a bottle of wine and/or champagne chilling by the bedside along with some chocolates and/or chocolate covered strawberries - you get the idea. Chocolate is known to be an aphrodisiac so that is why I suggest it, but any type of your favorite food and/or drinks will do.

There are plenty more ways you can use your five senses to create a romantic bedroom ambiance. Whatever puts an exclamation point on the end of your Valentine's Day (night) is a go!

About The Author

During the past 25 years, renowned relationship expert Dr. Patty Ann Tublin has helped hundreds of people rekindle romance and reignite passion in their relationships. The solutions in her Relationship ToolboxTM help couples stop fighting, and re-build romance so intimacy inside and outside the bedroom can flourish. Through her successful 25-year marriage and her experience of raising 4 children, Dr. Patty Ann has earned an international reputation for saving relationships. To reignite your flames of passion, visit her site at www.drpattyann.com.