Is Your Child a Lost Cause?

From jackets to lunchboxes to hair clips, does it seem like your child is constantly losing things? Unfortunately, you child's carelessness can come at a price for you. No matter how angry you get it's not going to bring the lost item back from whatever abyss it was lost in. Obviously, the first rule of thumb is to label EVERYTHING. And we mean absolutely everything. Clothes, jackets, bookbags, lunchboxes, etc. The Sharpie is your best friend - so put it to work. Make sure that you always have your child's name on his or her belongings. When something goes missing, there is never any question as to whom the item belongs. It's the quickest way to get your lost item found. Of course, even with labeling there's no guarantee that you'll see said item again. So, on that note, do not give your child anything that you can't afford for him to lose. We're talking about bigger ticket items here such as iPods, cell phones, Nintendo DSIs and other electronics. Expensive jewelry also makes this list.