Keep Your Family from Getting the Flu

We're hitting the high season for colds and flu this year, and if your family hasn't already been vaccinated, then it's probably not too late. Influenza usually peaks in January or later, so if your child has had a flu shot in the past, then another one is definitely in order if she hasn't had hers this year yet. If your child has never been vaccinated against the flu, then the doctor may recommend two shots given 28 days apart; the first shot "primes" the immune system, and the second provides the most protection. The vaccine is the best way to keep from getting the flu, and the illness can be more serious in young children. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports an average of 20,000 children under five per year need hospitalization for flu complications. If you choose not to vaccinate your kids - and even if you do - there are a few ways to help prevent illness, flu or not. Handwashing is the number-one way to prevent illness. Children should be taught to use soap and scrub up with warm water for the length of time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song twice.