A Parent's Guide to Early Childhood Education

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Early childhood education is the type of education given to children in their earlier years so that they may acquire skills that they will need so survive and ultimately to thrive in our world. It is showing our children in our day-to-day lives that we love and respect them and also helping them learn and respect themselves. Early childhood education teaches our children to be a part of our society, to value learning, to have high standards, to get along with others, to be responsible, to share, to be a good sport, to make friends, to work and to play alone with others. Early childhood education is the way we, and our parents and grandparents before us, have started our children off on the road to self-knowledge, self discipline, self-esteem, competency, and independence.

Good early childhood programs or schools are based on the development of the whole child. They provide a safe, nurturing environment that fosters emotional, social, and cognitive development of children. Good schools and programs recognize that play is fundamental to the intellectual development of young children. Early childhood education enables young children to develop a positive attitude.