Do You Look Overtired?

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Final Touches

When applying makeup to a tired face, less is better. Do not make your eyes look smaller by applying dark eyeliner or shadows. Instead, you want to make your eyes look wide awake. This can be achieved by dabbing a bit of white eye shadow on the inner corners of your eyes. The shadow will reflect the light out and make them appear larger.

To brighten the area directly around your eye, use a white eyeliner pencil to draw thinly around the water line. More white color near your corneas will make them appear whiter as well. Curl your eyelashes so that they radiate out and put a coat or two of lengthening mascara on them.

To finish the eyes off, use some iridescent eye shadow to reflect the light. Try a light color, staying within the white and beige color families.

You have already washed, exfoliated and moisturized your skin. Next, you'll want to apply a cream-based foundation with just a pop of blush on your cheeks to give you that vital, healthy look.