Fall Activities Your Children Will Love

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If you live in states where apples grow, why not take the kids to an apple orchard? Make a day out of it - picking, picnicking and enjoying the fruits of your labors. If the leaves have already begun to fall, use the leaves to make a scarecrow, using the foliage along with some old clothes and trash bags.

Top it off with a pumpkin. How about planting some fall foods for this season? Pumpkin seeds, squash, mums and more are all at your fingertips. On the weekends, plan for a campout. Enjoy a bonfire where you can roast marshmallows, a cookout and some hiking. The weather is still warm enough to enjoy a clear, crisp night under the stars. Last but not least, Halloween is right around the corner. Take the time to get in the spirit of things and decorate your house.