Fast Fixes for Mom Mistakes

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A better way to show your child how to manage anger is to put into practice what you preach - using your words, not yelling, etc. Talk yourself out of the anger by saying something like, "I really want to yell at that other driver who cut me off, but that would be silly so I'm just going to take a deep breath and calm down." Most moms encourage their kids to express gratitude for gifts or when someone does something nice for them, but many moms don't expect that same gratitude from their kids. Your partner can help model that behavior by offering thanks after you make a special meal or do something helpful for the family. Your child doesn't have to thank you after every single thing you do, but asking for thanks once in awhile lets her know that her appreciation is important to you. Here's a very non-Cleaver problem of today's families: technology getting in the way of family time. Sure, you put the kibosh on TV time, but do you get completely unplugged? Even if the TV is off, many moms and dads are online, checking e-mail, sending texts on their phones or checking voice mail. Make at least a few minutes a day electronics-free, so that you can really tune into your kids.