Fast, Healthful Breakfasts Kids Love

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And the type of breakfast kids eat matters, too. High-sugar breakfasts cause blood sugar levels to peak dramatically within an hour or so of eating, leaving the child with little energy to last until lunch. But low-glycemic foods like oatmeal keep the blood sugar at an even keel and provide energy for a longer period of time. So what are good, quick foods that keep your child going until lunch? Keep easy-to-prepare items on hand, like frozen, whole-grain waffles that can be topped with yogurt and pre-cut fruit. Peanut butter is always a great choice when paired with whole-wheat bread and fruit. A great rule of thumb is to mix and match one protein - string cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, eggs, etc.; then add fruit or vegetables; and round out the meal with whole grains, such as tortillas, bagels, breads or waffles.

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