Have a Heart: Teach Your Children Wellness

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Even better, find activities that you can do as a family. Take the kids for a walk after dinner every evening. Make it a habit -- like washing the dishes or clearing the table. Replace TV time with good old outdoor fun. It goes without saying that incorporating a balanced diet for your child is an integral part of ensuring that maintain optimum heart health. Stay away from heavily processed foods such as chips, cakes, crackers and other products that increase the bottom line. Add more vegetables and fruits to your children's diet to meet the five-a-day recommendation. Children should eat their fruit, not drink it. Juices are often loaded with sugar and calories. Sodas should also be eliminated from their diet. Make water the beverage of choice for your kids. The end goal is to make healthy habits become a way of life so that your healthy children grow into healthy adults. This year, take heart health a little more personally.