Keep Your Family from Getting the Flu

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Keep kids' nails trimmed so that germs have fewer places to hide. Pay special attention to germ hotspots, anywhere where hands touch, like handles and countertops. Remember to use wipes on these surfaces, but use them only once and toss them so that you don't redistribute germs. Boost kids' immunity to keep them from getting sick. Plenty of exercise and sleep will ward off illness. Even when it's cold, getting outside in the sunshine for just a few minutes goes a long way in raising energy levels while increasing the body's vitamin D levels. When they eat a nutritious diet - think lots of foods with immunity-boosting phytochemicals, like deeply colored fruits and veggies - kids tend to get sick less often. In winter, frozen or canned is just as good as fresh, so keep those leafy greens, berries and tomatoes coming!