Make Your Kids Happy Campers

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Many kids who go to camp away from home find that unplugging helps them explore other interests, such as reading and sports they've never tried. Assess the personality and interests of your child as you choose a camp; it's best to choose something she really loves instead of immersing her in day after day of a new activity that she may not like. Some camps focus on one activity, like a sport, so if your child gets bored easily, then you may want to look for a camp that has many activities to choose from. Many day camps are set up the same way, with several activities throughout the day. Look into area private schools and universities for diverse day camp opportunities. Many schools offer two-week blocks in which they focus on one activity, then switch at the conclusion of the block. A camp that offers a morning session, lunch and an afternoon session may be convenient for working parents - some even offer extended-day care. Try googling "summer day camps" to search for camps in your area that could be a perfect fit.