Teacher Children Well

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Find out which means the teacher prefers. When you're communicating with your child's teacher, remember he or she is one of 20 or even 30 kids. So be brief in your correspondence. Keep your emails and calls to the point. If you see your child's teacher out and about, refrain from asking about your child's grades, behavior or anything else. After all, they've earned their time off. Don't work against the teacher - work with him or her to ensure your child is working up to his or her potential. If you are alarmed about test grades or homework, don't wait until the last minute or right before the end of the grading period. Get in touch with the teacher early on. Ask the teacher what you can do to lend a helping hand in making sure your kid gets the most out of their education. Maybe it's reading with your kid every night, doing flash cards or even hiring a tutor. It's important to remember that you too play a role in their education.