The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide

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If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, get the person outside into fresh air and away from any potential carbon monoxide sources. Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning by keeping grills away from open windows, where wind can help the gas invade the indoors. Even running a gas grill in an open garage or carport can cause harmful fumes to build up. If you must use a generator, keep it far away from the house and invest in a carbon monoxide detector. When you head out on the boat, be sure to keep kids away from the back of the boat when swimming and when idling or going very slowly. Be cautious around other boats, which may increase carbon monoxide levels, and if anyone has seasickness symptoms, get them to fresh air fast - it could be carbon monoxide poisoning. Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home, and if you have a fireplace, then you should have it inspected by a professional before you start a fire.