Healthy Ways to Satisfy the Family Sweet Tooth

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You can mix up the berries with some raspberries and blueberries for an increase in antioxidants and variety. Adding fresh berries to nonfat frozen yogurt, sorbet, or a Greek yogurt is also a great substitution for ice cream sundaes.


Strawberries can also be dressed with balsamic vinegar. This is a traditional Italian dessert adapted from restaurateur and chef Joe Bastianich. Chef Bastianich notes that, "The acidity of the vinegar brings out the sweet-tartness of fresh strawberries."

To make, mix 2 drops of balsamic vinegar to 1 teaspoons of sugar. Rinse off your strawberries and remove their green tops. Toss the strawberries in the sugar/vinegar mixture and let it sit for a minute so that the flavors can penetrate their skins.

Note-you have to wash strawberries differently from other fruits with less porous skin. If you just run them under water from the kitchen sink then they will get water-logged. Strawberries can absorb a lot of water, unlike fruits like apples or tomatoes. Instead, take a damp paper towel and gently wipe their skin to remove any residual dirt.

This takes a bit longer but you'll be happy when your strawberries retain their firm texture. Remember, strawberries are one of the top foods suggested to purchase organic. Again, this is because of their absorbent, porous skins.