So You Have a Picky Eater

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When Jamie comes to you later that evening complaining of being hungry. With an understanding tone, simply remind her that you will be serving breakfast at 7:00 a.m. as usual. Jamie will most likely be persistent about getting something else to eat. It is important that you follow through with the limit you have placed. Otherwise, Jamie learns that you do not mean what you say and you lose your credibility with her. You may have to tell her several times that you will be "serving breakfast at 7:00" until she realizes that you are not going to give in. Jamie: "Mom I'm hungry. Can I have some cookies?" Mom: "Kids who eat all their dinner are welcome to have a snack after."

Jamie: "But mom, I'm really hungry."

Mom: "I know Jamie. I would be hungry too if I ate as little as you did for dinner, but don't worry. I will be fixing a big breakfast at 7:00 a.m."

Jamie: "What? Do you want me to starve?"

Mom: "I'll be serving breakfast at 7:00 Jamie"

Jamie: "This isn't fair."

Mom: "I'll be serving breakfast at 7:00 Jamie"

Jamie: "Fine!"