Making Reading to Your Child a Habit

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Words can open up a world of knowledge and adventure for your children, and reading to them is so important in their development. Here are 5 ways to make reading to your child a habit.

Read your child's favorite book over and over... and over... (you know the drill).

Choose a book with a particular character whose stories are serialized (like Magic Treehouse or Lemony Snicket).

Read together, depending on the age of the child.

Go to the library and let your child pick out books.

Read to your child at bedtime every night.

Reading to your child should be a daily and ongoing event. When you read to your child do you also become caught up in one particular book your child absolutely loves? Words can do that. Have you noticed the huge variety of children's books available today? Reading has become the focal point in our society, especially now since some public school children lack reading skills based upon their grade level.

Sign your child up for his own library card! You can have your child participate in picking out books from your local library. The number of books is overwhelming, yet there are certainly enough your child can choose from depending on the genre he prefers. All of the colorful books are incentive enough for your child to take home a stack for you to read at bedtime. Have you ever seen your child become totally engaged in a specific children's magazine? Why not subscribe to the magazine in your child's name?