Hair Porosity: Moisture Matters!

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The idea is to smooth down those shingle-like layers and fill in any holes. The best way to do it is to prevent stripping natural oils from your hair - they protect hair - so using gentle shampoos as infrequently as possible go a long way in making hair smoother and shinier. Regardless of the porosity, most women need deep conditioning about once a week. If your hair has a higher porosity, rinse hair in cool water after shampooing and conditioning to help seal the shaft and to keep styling aids that can get under the cuticle from adhering. For lower-porosity hair, rinse hair in very warm water to open the hair shaft and make it more receptive to styling products. Generally, leave-in conditioner can help minimize frizz in highly porous hair, so you may try spraying on some to help frizz and tame tangles.