Hot Stuff: Beneficial Beauty Treatments

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Try a dry heat facial to open pores, decrease surface bacteria and increase blood flow. Put a towel that's big enough to wrap around your face in the dryer and let it get hot. In the meantime, wash your face and dry it well. Remove the towel, then lie down and relax as the towel cools. Repeat 2-3 times, then apply a cooling facial toner to tighten pores and cool skin down. Apply your favorite facial moisturizer to finish. The Zeno line is known for its gadgets that treat various facial imperfections with heat. The Zeno Hot Spot uses customized levels of heat to zap the bacteria that causes zits. With just a couple 2 1/2-minute treatments, the company claims you can eradicate pimples. The Zeno Heat Treatment aims to prevent breakouts before they even happen, and if you're past the age of pimples, try Zeno's Line Rewind, which uses heat to erase fine lines. Warm up to some of these hot beauty treatments to give your skin what it needs this winter.