Warts: What to Do

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Despite the old wives' tales, you don't have touch a frog to get a wart. In fact, warts are actually caused by viruses - not our four-legged frog friends. The issue is that the body doesn't "see" the virus, which means it doesn't try to fight it off. Because of this, an unsightly wart can linger for months or years. But who wants to be saddled with the icky eyesore until then? For starters, it's important to remember that warts are contagious. If you have a wart or warts, cover them up. Not only can you spread warts to other people, you can also transmit the virus to other parts of your body. Most people turn to over-the-counter treatments that contain salicylic acid to deal with the problem at hand... or foot, or anywhere else for that matter. The acid works to dissolve the keratin that comprises warts and the dead skin keeping the virus trapped within. These medicines, such as Compound W, are commonly used to treat warts. Before applying, wash the area and then dry. Scrub loose skin with a brush, emery board, pumice stone or loofah. Apply a thin layer of medication to the wart. Then cover with salicylic acid adhesive pads. These treatments must be done over and over.