10 Other Beauty Products Every Girl Should Have

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Some hair products even have leave-in conditioners built in, so before you purchase a separate product, check your other styling products for ingredients like glycerin, which will usually add enough moisture on their own without you having to apply more. When choosing a leave-in conditioner, try to find one that is oil-free as conditioners that contain oil can weigh hair down or leave it looking greasy.

In addition to must-have make-up and skin supplies, every woman could benefit from having a few necessary tools in her beauty product arsenal. The most important ones are listed below:

8. Tweezers

Keeping your eyebrows in check (and any other stray hairs) is essential in looking your best. It doesn't matter how clean your face is or how well made up if you've got stray hairs everywhere! Find a good pair of tweezers and establish a plucking routine and stick with it.

9. Eyelash Curler

Not all of us are born with long, thick lashes, but it's amazing what a quick curling can do! Curling your eyelashes can make your eyes look wider and brighter, even if your lashes aren't as long as you'd like them to be.